Monday, October 09, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth

Congregations all over the country are coming together in October of this year for the same event - a showing of the movie "An Inconvenient Truth." The showings of the movie are organized by a group called Interfaith Power & Light, which is a religious response to global warming motivated by love for our neighbors and the call to be responsible stewards of God’s creation. (see for more)
Our Congregation will be hosting a showing of “The Inconvenient Truth” on Sunday, October 15, at 4 p.m. Childcare and snacks will be provided by our Education Ministry. And, Progressive Christians Uniting will be supplying us with educational materials and a guest discussion leader after the movie. Please plan to join us for a great time together, and bring a friend!
For more information about the movie, go to
See you at the movies...

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