Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Hello all - spring has sprung, the tomb is empty, and we are full speed ahead in the resurrection life! Right? Well, there are certainly some wonderful and important opportunities coming up soon for us all. This Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m. we have the joy of a violin, 'cello and piano concert in our sanctuary. The violinist has been practicing in the library all week and so just ask any of the staff: you are in for a treat!

And then all are invited to head to Congregation Emanu El at 6 p.m. for the Holocaust Remembrance service of prayer, an interfaith yearly event which is a powerful opportunity to remember and to recommit ourselves to working against genocide in our world today. If you can't come, consider taking a moment at
to learn about the issues in Darfur and to sign petitions to the President and the United Nations, pressuring them to take action in the region as violence spreads.

And of course, the rummage sale is approaching. Clean out those closets now, and call the church office to arrange a pick up if you need one. This congregation must have the most organized closets around, with how much we manage to sell every year. I know, except for what we take back home with us. Do plan to come and help - it's a joyous fun time, even in the midst of the hard work.

Lastly - consider joining the "Y'all Come" Choir for this Sunday at 9:30 a.m. for a quick run through - and then sing the Hallelujah Chorus as the worship anthem for the week. There's a way to kick off the Easter season! See you in worship!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Holy Week

Hello all -
And welcome to Holy Week - actually now we've begun the Holy Triduum- the three days from Maundy Thursday through sunset on Holy Saturday. It is a busy and exciting time in our life together, and hopefully we can either come to worship together or spend some time reading the stories of these days - this is Luke's year, so check out Luke 22 and 23, or John, who's always the "extra" gospel - John 13, 18, and 19 have most of the narrative.

And of course there's other Gospels too with their own perspectives on these stories - one of our members, Jim Comer, has written a great review of King and Pagels' book on the Gospel of Judas - you can find it at

Peace to you all as we move through the power of these stories and days together.

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