Monday, February 20, 2006


Today was a very interesting plenary on Christian Unity, and then towards the end they announced the next speaker would be Archbishop Desmond Tutu. I had heard he was coming at some point, but didn't know it was today. It was quite amazing to hear him in person - gentle and humorous and powerful and inspiring. (see more at And then over lunch, I got to hear Adolfo Perez Esquivel in the Bate-Papo, so it was two Nobel Peace Prize winners in one day. That's a first for me.

I also went to morning prayers, where there was a powerful confession of our remaining divisions when an empty chalice was placed on the altar to symbolize that we can not yet share in the eucharist. Bible study was an interactive discussion of one of Jesus' teachings about power and servanthood. And, I went to a workshop on water issues - and the ways that pollution and privatization are taking the basic right to water away from communities all around the world. There is an Ecumenical Water Network which is connecting groups that advocate for water issues. Then this afternoon I went on a tour of Porto Alegre with a group, which was interesting and helpful to learn more about this city, and returned in time for evening prayers which were led by some of the Roman Catholic delegation of observers, both priests and lay people. It was a peaceful and centering end to the day.

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